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Love Is a Team Game

If you’re a sports fan (specifically, football) this is your favorite time of year. The NFL playoffs showcase the best of the best and even for the non-fanatics out there, some important truths are evident. Football, like many other sports, is a team game. For sure, individual superstars shine, but only because those around them pull together for a common goal. The best teams operate as one. They are all are on the same page, focused, supportive, picking each other up, pursuing the same goal. When they do, they become more than the sum of their parts…highly efficient. They minimize mistakes and overcome them when they happen. When adversity hits, lesser teams slip into fault finding, sniping and looking out for number one. In any sport, if teammates ever become opponents, they can’t win. It’s game over.

Relationships Take Teamwork

That isn’t just true in sports. Marriage, committed relationships, may be the ultimate “team” sport. Few things in life demand more cooperation, coordination, mutual support, respect, faithfulness and working for a common goal. Partners in love have to pull together, trust and encourage one another. When they do, when they are there for one another, great things happen. We know that a healthy, secure relationship makes us more creative, more capable, more resilient and more successful in just about every measure of success. In short, we become our best selves. We can weather any storm as long as we remain a team.

On the other hand, when a relationship is struggling—when we poke and provoke, when we shut down and pull away—when conflict becomes combat, things cannot go well for long. The team is no longer a team. Any relationship where the “opponents” are on the same side is doomed. Eventually, it’s game over.

Hold Me Tight Teaches Teamwork

All teams face this threat at some time or another. All couples have to learn to manage conflict. Knowing how to do it doesn’t just come naturally. If your team is stuck, coming apart, don’t panic. It doesn’t have to stay that way. Indeed, that’s what a Hold Me Tight®️ couples retreat can help fix.

A Hold Me Tight®️ retreat is a great way to become a team again…a great way to get on the same page, pulling FOR one another instead of AGAINST. Every sport has certain fundamentals. No team can win without them. The same is true in love. Hold Me Tight®️ will teach you the fundamentals. They are rooted in what we knew about attachment. All of us seek and need our partner to be there for us. When that doesn’t happen, we fall into patterns, ways of reacting that make opponents of us. The goal of the game then is to team up against those patterns, to reverse them. So, the opponent in this most important game is not our partner; it’s the pattern that we fall into. Once you change that negative pattern, you can truly win the prize!

The Best Coaching Out There

Hold Me Tight®️ is time tested and proven. Thousands of couples just like you have learned to team up and pull together, not apart. Even if you are or have been in therapy, Hold Me Tight®️ can be a different experience. You’re with other couples, just like you, learning and practicing new skills, new ways of teaming up. No pressure, no one put on the spot, you go at your own pace. And in just two days, you can find your focus again, learn how to be teammates again and know that you can win together. In the biggest game, the game of love, you can indeed win. Let Hold Me Tight®️ show you how.

Our next Hold Me Tight®️ retreat is NEXT WEEK near Orlando. Don’t miss it. All the details are at


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