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Heed the Warning Signs

Relationships are much the same. Relationships like marriage are built for the long run, built to last a lifetime. But, they require upkeep, regular attention and loving care. If you ignore “marriage maintenance,” eventually, signs of trouble will pop up…usually long before a catastrophic failure. As a marriage therapist, too often, by the time I see a couple, they’ve long ignored (or never even noticed) telltale warning signs.

So, what are some of those relationship warning signs?

Here are just a few. This list is not exhaustive, but be advised: don’t ignore them.

When friendship and playfulness in your relationship wear thin, pay attention. No relationship is fun all the time, but healthy couples are best friends. Laughter, fun and friendship should outweigh negativity—John Gottman says, by at least a 5:1 ratio—five times more positive than negative.

Criticism and blame are warning signs. Fault finding conversations quickly become confrontations that produce resentment and hurt. Couples that snipe, pick and “see the glass half empty” are in for long term trouble.

On the other hand, isolating, shutting down, disengaging and “stonewalling” are also danger signs. Couples who do that aren’t keeping the peace; they are pulling apart and they will eventually realize they don’t even know one another.

When your relationship becomes “transactional,” if you tend to keep score, trouble is brewing. Likewise, if you view even the neutral things your partner says or does negatively, that too is a problem.

Maybe you see one of more of those warning signs in your relationship. If so, don’t despair. Don’t throw in the towel. Your love isn’t doomed. You just need to change some things—and sooner is better than later.

That’s where Hold Me Tight®️ comes in. Hold Me Tight®️ is a great step in the right direction, whether you’re just beginning to see warning signs or your relationship is in real trouble. At Hold Me Tight®️ you’ll meet other couples facing the same hurdles and struggling with many of the same issues. You’ll find that you aren’t alone and you’ll learn to make sense of what so often doesn’t in love.

Hold Me Tight®️ is not therapy. It’s learning and practicing new ways of connecting with your partner. It’s about changing the old patterns that lead to trouble over the long run. After just two days together with your partner, you will leave with new skills and a new direction to help you last for the long run in love.

Our next Hold Me Tight®️ couples retreat in Orlando is next month. Check out for all the details.

So, watch for warning signs. And, if you’re wondering, what about the signs of a healthy relationship? What is proof of life in love? I’m glad you asked…that’ll be our next blog!


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